Can your energy efficient home help save money on your mortgage?

Have you ever heard of a green mortgage? They’re steadily becoming a popular option for property owners, as many lenders are adding them to their portfolios. If you’re due to remortgage soon and you have an energy efficient home, it’s well worth considering them as a remortgage option. We explore what they are and how […]

Should you stay with your lender?

Staying with your current lender may feel like the safest option when your mortgage comes to an end, but that’s no guarantee that you’ll be getting the best deal. That’s why we recommend shopping around to get a mortgage that’s fits you. When there is such uncertainty in the housing market at the moment, you […]

Can You Be Your Own Financial Adviser?

Thanks to the internet, the average person can now access vast amounts of information on just about any topic. That’s amazing in so many ways. It’s also potentially highly dangerous. There’s a difference between having access to information and being able to apply it appropriately in the real world. That’s why there’s still a place […]

Are Voluntary National Insurance Contributions Worth The Money?

In the UK, every new year, financial writers remind their readers to organise their finances before the end of the financial year. For some people, this may include deciding whether or not to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions. If you are one of these people, here is a quick guide to what you need to […]

What Could IHT Mean For You?

The COVID19 bill is coming due. One way or another, it will need to be paid. There may be a certain level of scope for the government to make savings. Realistically, however, it seems highly unlikely that there is enough scope for it to avoid raising taxes at all. If it does, or when it […]

How To Keep Calm And Carry On Investing

Unless you’re very new to the stock market, you’ve probably already experienced some market turbulence. During the run-up to Brexit, news related to the topic routinely made waves in the markets. You may not, however, have experienced a prolonged slowdown or recession. With that in mind, here are some thoughts on how to keep calm […]

Are You On Top Of Retirement Planning?

It’s probably fair to say that, right now, many people are more concerned with getting through the present than planning for their retirement. This is understandable. The problem with this approach, however, is that the future can arrive much quicker than it seems like it should. This means that retirement planning should always be a […]

Are You (Financially) Ready For Retirement?

If you’re at the younger end of the boomer generation, then retirement should be high on your list of priorities.  In fact, even if you’re in Gen X, retirement should be one of your key considerations, especially if you’re at the older end of it.  This means you should be assessing your financial provisions for […]

Are You Heating Rather Than Eating?

As has been widely reported, many people are currently facing a brutal choice between heating and eating. Other people can heat and eat but still need to be very careful about how they manage their money. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, here are some tips on how to save heat. They […]

How Can You Get The Best Value From Your Supermarket

Most people do most of their shopping at supermarkets.  Generally, that’s a sensible option.  Supermarkets usually do offer the most affordable prices overall.  Unfortunately, they’re also places where you can spend a lot of money you didn’t intend or need to.  With that in mind, here are some tips on how to get the best […]