Whether your top financial goals for 2016 are to pay off debt, to learn to budget or to build up some savings, your smartphone or tablet can help you on your way. Here is a run-down of our top apps for improving the state of your finances in 2016. They are all available for both Android and iOS unless otherwise stated.
Money Saving Ideas
This is the new incarnation of the Money Saving Expert Fan App. It aims to teach users about money and money management and has links to websites and resources which can help with improving the family finance.
Monefy – Money Manager
There are plenty of expense-tracking apps out there so if, for whatever reason, you do not take to Monefy, you have a variety of other options. Monefy can help you keep tabs on your on-the-go spending, including those “little” purchases, which can slip under the radar and leave you wondering where your money is going each month.
Savings Track
If you are looking for a bit of willpower to resist those impulse purchases, Savings Track may be just what you need. It allows you to define your savings goal(s) including the amount you need to save and any deadline. Then you just track your progress until you meet your target. Keeping this on your phone or tablet could be a helpful reminder that you are saving money for a reason and make you think twice (or even three times) before making a non-essential purchase.
Christmas Gift List
We know this may set some readers groaning in despair but stay with us. Some people like to do their Christmas shopping well in advance, others leave it to the last minute. In either case, you need to know who you are buying for and how much you have to spend overall and for each person. It can also be helpful to keep notes on possible gifts if you are not ready to or sure about buying them at that point. Once you have bought a gift you can mark it as purchased. We know Christmas comes but once a year, but we think this app’s still worth it.
Food Planner
What is in your kitchen cupboards, fridge and freezer and what can you make with it? Food Planner holds an inventory of what you have bought and allows you to create grocery lists to ensure that you buy what you actually need rather than what you cannot actually remember if you have or not. You can also create daily and weekly meal plans and import recipes from the internet.
Skype, Whatsapp and Viber
We suspect most people will be familiar with these but we will put them in just to be on the safe side. All three allow for free calls and instant messages. They can be used with data connections or over wi-fi. Even if you have unlimited calls/texts within the UK, these apps can still be useful when travelling or for keeping in touch with people overseas.
This app is a little tricky but if you are looking to top up your income, it can be worth the effort. Basically this is a site offering micro tasking jobs. To join the Roamler team you need to get an invite from an existing Roamler user. If you do not know anyone who is already on Roamler, you can head to their Facebook page or Twitter account to see if they are giving away invitation codes or if there is an existing Roamler user who will give you one if you ask.
Field Agent
This is similar to Roamler. Anyone can sign up without needing an invitation code but the app is only available on the iOS platform in the UK.
AVG Anti Virus
This may seem like a surprising choice but at the end of the data smartphones and tablets are essentially computers some of which also have the ability to make phone calls. Depending on what you have on your device it may be a very attractive target for hackers, so take a few minutes to give it some free protection.
All of these Apps are in the Google Play store except for Field Agent which is https://fieldagent.co.uk/