Pension Advice
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- Experts in Pensions, Investments, Mortgages & Protection
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The value of investments and any income from the can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested.
HM Revenue and Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumtances and changes which cannot be foreseen.
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In principle, there are all kinds of options for funding your retirement. In practice, for many people, a pension will form a core part of their retirement funds. It’s never too early to start saving towards a pension, especially if you have the opportunity to join a workplace pension scheme. It’s also never too late to think about how you are going to fund your post-work years.
Anyone who is in the middle of their working years and beyond should make it a priority to keep track of their pension savings both literally and figuratively. These days, while people may not have a job for life, they can keep a pension fund for life by transporting the same pension pot from job to job. If, however, you were in employment before auto-enrolment, then you will need to keep tabs on what has happened to your old pensions and the more jobs you had, the more important this becomes.
It’s also important to keep track of how much you have saved and what this means in practical terms. Part of this will depend on when, exactly, you intend to retire and part of this will depend on what sort of lifestyle you envision for yourself at retirement.
HM Revenue and Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes which cannot be foreseen.
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What is a Personal Pension?
With a personal pension you choose the defined contribution scheme and provider. These pensions are suitable for those who are self employed. If you haven’t got a workplace pension, getting a personal pension could be a good way of saving for retirement. Read more
The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested.
How Personal Pensions Work
Whilst monies remain invested, a pension is a tax efficient pot of cash that you, your employer (and sometimes the Government) pays into, as a way of saving up for your retirement. At retirement, you can withdraw the savings in a number of ways.
The Value of Retirement Planning
Have you started planning for your retirement? Many of us choose not to face our mortality or think that a state pension will see us through. This is no longer the case, pension planning should be considered as soon as possible and reviewed often. Read more
It’s important to plan ahead for your retirement. Here, we explain why pension planning is so important, and describe some of the options available to you. This information is intended only as guidance. For advice on your specific circumstances, please get in touch.
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Investing money needs careful consideration and you need to be absolutely sure of the risks involved. This section provides generic information on different types of saving & investment. You should seek advice appropriate to your specific circumstances prior to making any decisions.
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