Insurance for home movers

Moving home may be something which gets easier with practice, for example, if you’re in the military and have to change homes a lot.  It is, however, probably not something many people would class as a whole bundle of fun and in some cases can be the cause of a lot of frustration and stress.  […]

The Importance of Protection

Millions of pet owners have purchased insurance in case of an expensive trip to the vet’s, but who will pick up the bill if something happens to you? Many pet owners will know the stress and financial burden caused by an expensive vet’s bill and have taken out pet insurance to avoid having to make […]

Don't Pay For DIY Disasters

The holidays might prompt you to finally get those home improvement projects underway, but are you covered if your DIY goes awry? With a free supply of hints, tips and video guides available at the click of a button, you might feel confident about saving a bit of money and tackling tasks that you would […]

A Matter Of Trusts

Taking out a life insurance policy gives you valuable peace of mind: you know you’ve protected your family against financial hardship, should the worst happen. But how can you make sure your policy will pay out quickly, to those who’ll need it most, if you died unexpectedly? The answer might be to write your policy […]

Are your contents underinsured?

When it comes to insuring your home and contents, many people take out far less cover than they need, risking potential upset when it comes to making a claim. The average UK home contains around £55,000 worth of possessions, but an average insurance policy covers just £35,000, potentially leaving £20,000 worth of uninsured valuables per […]