Staying Steady Amid Market Swings: 3 Key Reasons to Remain Invested
Facing turbulent times in the investment world is undoubtedly challenging. With factors like inflation and political ambiguity leading to market fluctuations, it’s natural to feel apprehensive about the future of your investments. However, while market volatility might be disconcerting, it’s crucial to rise above momentary fears and make informed choices about retaining your investments. Here […]
Investment myths
In this blog, we’ll debunk five misconceptions about investing. Understanding investments can be daunting, and there are several myths that are likely to put you off if you are new to investing. In this blog, we’ll debunk five misconceptions about investing. By unravelling these myths, you’ll gain a clearer perspective on how to navigate the […]
Investing for children
As a parent, you want to do everything you can to ensure that your children have a bright and secure future. One way to do this is by investing on their behalf. Not only can they start adulthood with some savings, but getting children involved early with saving also helps them learn important lessons about […]
Investing Guidelines To Live By
Saving may preserve your capital but it’s unlikely to grow it enough to beat inflation over the long term. That means, if you really want to grow your money, you probably need to get into investment. With that in mind, here are five key investing guidelines to live by. Always have a clear investment strategy […]
How To Keep Calm And Carry On Investing
Unless you’re very new to the stock market, you’ve probably already experienced some market turbulence. During the run-up to Brexit, news related to the topic routinely made waves in the markets. You may not, however, have experienced a prolonged slowdown or recession. With that in mind, here are some thoughts on how to keep calm […]
Investing So Your Children Can Afford To Move Out
A child’s first day at school is a big moment for both them and their parents. For most parents, however, it’s also a relief, especially financially. Even so, time flies and it really won’t be too long before they’re grown up and looking to leave school. At that point, a parent’s life can start to […]
How To Get Started In Investing
If you’re an employed adult in the UK, the chances are that you’re already an investor. If you’re enrolled in a defined-contributions pension scheme, your pension contributions are probably being invested for your future. If you want to go further, you might want to start investing for yourself. It may be easier than you think. […]
Investment And Inflation Update March 2021: Great expectations
With hopes rising about vaccines and the end of lockdowns, could we see a rise in inflation when the economy reopens? As vaccines continue to be deployed rapidly around much of the world, hopes are increasing about the global economic recovery. Many people expect there to be a strong rebound once coronavirus restrictions are lifted, […]
What is a share split?
Share splits are (back) in the news, courtesy of Apple and Tesla, which announced splits of 4-to-1 and 5-to-1 respectively. This is Apple’s fifth share split, its previous split was 7-to-1 and before that, it had three splits of 2-to-1. Here are the key points for investors to take away. The overall value of your […]
How long can you hold shares?
It’s probably safe to say that, wherever you are in the world right now, investors are taking one of two actions as regards their shares. They’re either reaching for their parachutes and bailing out of the stock market or they’re buckling their seatbelts and preparing themselves for turbulence. The latter might also be looking at […]