Don't fall for a pension scam

Frank Field, Labour MP and chair of an influential parliamentary committee, has called for legislative action to help keep pension savings safe. This comes after Police data shows that more than £43m of people’s retirement savings have been lost to fraud since the pension freedom reforms were announced. Figures from The Pensions Regulator estimate that […]

What's the Cost of a Comfortable Retirement?

Have you ever stopped to think about the monthly income you’d need to provide for a comfortable retirement? If you’re thinking it would be the equivalent of your current salary you’ve probably overestimated. Remember, by the time you retire, you will hopefully have paid off your mortgage, your kids (if you had them) will have […]

Stop Pensions Being Overly Taxing

Since April 2015, pensioners have had greater freedom over how they manage their retirement savings. No longer forced to buy an annuity, they can now leave their money invested and draw an income from it (known as flexi-access drawdown). Whether you’ve already stopped working, or you’re planning to retire soon, you should be familiar with […]

Achieving your financial goals

We lead complex lives in an increasingly complex world. As financial planning experts we can help you better understand your financial challenges, goals and needs, and help you find appropriate ways to meet them. Even a seemingly straightforward financial goal can involve numerous decisions and a lot of time and effort getting it right. Whether […]

State Pension – All You Need To Know

Changes to the State Pension which took effect on 6 April 2016 were designed to simplify the system. With the earnings-related part applying to employed people removed, what you could qualify for depends on your National Insurance (NI) record For the current tax year 2017/2018, the new State Pension is £159.55 per week. To be […]

Pension Advice Allowance

Financial decisions affecting your retirement income will be among the most important you’ll make during your lifetime and investing in timely financial advice could provide a welcome boost. Since April 2017 it has been possible to withdraw £500 from pension pots (defined contribution or hybrid pension scheme savings with an element of defined contribution) in […]

The Downside of Downsizing

The decision to sell up and move to a smaller property could come as a result of children flying the nest, the need to free up cash, or both. Whatever the reason, there are costs to downsizing that are important to know about before you make the move.  The ‘hidden’ fees Research from online estate […]

Saving for retirement: as easy as 1, 2, 3

Much is made of the tax benefits of saving into a pension scheme but there are other benefits to consider. As many corporate pension schemes and even government pension schemes become unsustainable, the onus to create a comfortable retirement is increasingly on the individual. But, if we are honest with ourselves, by the time many […]

Pension Death Benefits

With the introduction of pension freedoms in 2015, we now have a range of options when deciding how to fund our retirement. But few of us stop to consider what might happen on our death: retirement itself seems far enough away! Under the previous regulations, only one dependant of the pension plan holder could inherit […]

Automatic enrolment and you

Auto-enrolment is a Government initiative where all workers will be automatically enrolled into a workplace pension. New figures show that by 2020 over 10 million people are expected to be newly saving or saving more as a result of automatic enrolment. This means that an additional £17 billion a year is projected to be saved […]