The Advantage of ISAs

The original use of the term ‘nest-egg’ comes from an artificial egg being put into a nest to induce a hen to lay. These days we often refer to our hard-earned savings as our nest-egg, and the recent rise in the ISA allowance gives additional incentive to encourage savings to grow tax-efficiently. ISAs On 6 […]

The Downside of Downsizing

The decision to sell up and move to a smaller property could come as a result of children flying the nest, the need to free up cash, or both. Whatever the reason, there are costs to downsizing that are important to know about before you make the move.  The ‘hidden’ fees Research from online estate […]

Maximising your ISA Allowance

If you haven’t used up your Individual Savings Account (ISA) allowance for 2016/17, you have until 5 April to do so. Saving into an ISA is a great way of making your savings work harder. Whether you’re looking to supplement your retirement income, build up funds for a property purchase or you simply want a […]

6 Really Obvious Ways To Save Money

We hate to be the ones to say it, but now probably really is a good time to start watching your pennies in readiness for Christmas. We know it’s in December but for those who are paid monthly it’s 4 or 5 pay packets away (depending on exactly when you get paid). Looked at from […]

The Lifetime ISA

The Lifetime ISA will be available from April 2017 and will work on a top up basis, meaning that for every £4 saved, the government will add £1. At the same time the ISA allowance will be raised to £20,000. Anyone between the ages of 18 and 40 can open a Lifetime ISA, and any […]

Are you saving tax efficiently?

If you’ve always been a saver but never considered an Individual Savings Account (ISA) you could be losing out to the taxman. Make your savings work harder ISAs are tax-efficient savings plans that allow you to shelter up to £15,240 in the 2016/17 tax year from income and Capital Gains Tax. Around 13 million adult […]

Should You Consider a Junior ISA?

Becoming a parent for the first time is a shock to the system in a great many ways. Lack of sleep is pretty much unavoidable. Lack of time for anything other than taking care of the baby is a hazard of being a parent. Lack of money, however, can be avoided with careful planning. Financial […]

Saving For Your Holiday

The weather outside is frightful, but summer is so delightful and now that the shortest day is over, it is on its way. Summer brings holidays with it and so the dark days of winter could actually be a great opportunity to make plans for how to pay for them. First decide what kind of […]