Getting Ready to (Re)Mortgage

mortgage advice blackpool

Taking out a (new) mortgage is often a major decision.  That means it’s worth taking the time to prepare and do thorough research.  Ideally, you should start laying the ground for your mortgage application about 6 months before you apply.  This should give you enough time to address any issues before they become a problem. […]


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Are you at the end of your deal?

When your current mortgage deal comes to an end you might be tempted to do nothing and simply move on to your lender’s Standard Variable Rate (SVR). However, by doing so you could risk your mortgage rate more than doubling. According to Moneyfacts, fixed mortgage deals taken out two years ago attracted an average rate […]

Standard Variable Rate

Mortgage Blackpool

The average homeowner moving from a specific mortgage deal onto their mortgage provider’s Standard Variable Rate (SVR) could save more than £2,500 a year in interest payments simply by remortgaging. SVR is the type of mortgage you’re most likely to revert to at the end of an introductory, fixed rate, discount or tracker deal. The […]