Take advantage of a ‘free’ pay rise

You might think pensions are too complicated and you don’t understand them, but the fact is they are a crucial, tax-efficient savings vehicle that can help give enough money to live on in your retirement. Worryingly though, only two-thirds of UK adults are currently saving for retirement, and of those many aren’t saving at a […]

How much can I pay into my pension?

A pension is a tax-efficient, long-term savings plan that you contribute to during your working life to provide an income when you stop work. You can benefit from tax relief on the contributions you pay in and your pension pot has the potential to grow. At the moment you can save up to £40,000 every […]

Making the most of your pension savings

Thanks to there being no major changes announced to pensions in the October 2018 Budget you can continue to pay into your pension over the next 12 months without any surprises to knock you off track. This does, however, present a great time for you to review your pension savings. Are you confident you’re saving […]

Confused about pension planning?

Mortgage Blackpool

With more UK employees saving for their retirement than ever you could argue that Automatic Enrolment has been a success since its launch six years ago. However, research from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed that many people contributing to their workplace scheme don’t even realise they’re saving for retirement. Auto enrolment emerged […]

Savers in the dark about their pension

Are you among the 30.4 million working-age people who don’t know if their pension pot will be big enough to afford a comfortable lifestyle in retirement? According to a report by the Pension and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA), some of the blame for this worrying statistic could be down to simply not knowing how much […]

The search for a reliable retirement income

It’s been almost four years since the April 2015 pensions changes which scrapped compulsory annuities and gave pensioners greater choice over how to take their retirement income. This historic change to UK pension legislation opened up a range of investment opportunities for pensioners. With increased control of their pension, investors can seek to position their […]

The Gender Pension Gap

If you overheard a conversation about the gender gap, you might automatically think about it in terms of pay, given the relatively recent requirement for firms with more than 250 employees to disclose their pay data. What is less well known though is the gender pension gap. In the UK, this is thought be between […]

Auto enrolment contributions

The introduction of automatic enrolment in 2012 has led to a record high in pension participation, with more than 9.5 million people enrolled through the scheme. But contributions are at minimum levels, ONS data has shown The number of employees who contribute to a workplace pension has increased over the last five years: 73% of […]

Auto-enrolment Update

It’s reasonable to suggest that auto enrolment has been a major success story. In fact, more than 1 million employers and 9 million employees have made pension saving a part of everyday life since its introduction in 2012. 6 April 2018 saw the second phase in the development of auto-enrolment; when employer and employee minimum […]

Financial wellbeing in retirement

Financial wellbeing is an important factor when it comes to being able to enjoy life. While we’re earning, it’s possible to secure the living standards we want for ourselves and our families, but it’s also important to put some of that income aside to build up your pension fund. Generally speaking, and subject to investment […]